By the year 2224, through a combination of brainwashing and neurosurgery, Big Brother had made people perfect. Everyone had the right thoughts, right beliefs, right desires, and right feelings.
Unfortunately people keep changing! Your job, as Minister of Stability, is to change them back. Your robots constantly patrol the planet, recording everything that happens, including what people are thinking and feeling (the robots can read minds). Your job is to read these reports and decide whether anybody has changed their mind or feelings so that they can be brainwashed them back to perfection.
Brainwashing is dangerous, so don't overdo it! If Alfred is betrayed by Beatrice, he probably has changed his feelings about her, but if the report does not specifically say so, you leave him alone. The robots are very thorough. If Alfred's thoughts or feelings have changed, they will say so.
Big Brother is worried about your impartiality. Perhaps you will protect your friends! To anonymize the reports, Big Brother has randomly changed people's names (so "Mary" in one report may not be the "Mary" in another), and many of the other words have similarly been randomly replaced with made-up words (what "blicket" means in one report may not be what it means in another).
Instruction Summary:
1) Read the following reports.
2) Determine whether anyone has changed their thoughts, beliefs, opinions, desires, feelings, etc.
3) If it is *possible* that the report is true but nobody changed, leave them alone.
4) Everyone's name has been changed, and names of objects and other words have been replaced with made-up words.
Megan hated the vatter in her. Has anyone changed their thoughts, beliefs, feelings, etc.?