How good is your vocabulary? Take this test and find out.
5 minutes
The Vocab Quiz
This vocabulary test was designed by researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
When you finish, you will see how well you did compared to other people of a similar age and educational background.
We are studying how people's vocabularies are affected by things like age, birth order, and when you started learning English.
We also hope the quiz is fun and informative. Thank you for your participation!
The Vocab Quiz
Beginning the quiz...
This quiz is hard. The results wouldn't be interesting if everyone got 100%!
Please do your best. At the end you'll see how you compare with others.
The Vocab Quiz
This experiment is being conducted by researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Please read this consent statement carefully before deciding whether to participate.
About the research: This experiment examines people's knowledge of English vocabulary. We are interested in how this is affected by demographic variables like age, birth order, and the age at which you began learning English.
Risks and Benefits: This research has no known risks. We will explain the purpose of the experiment at the end of the experiment, along with any potential implications of the research. To receive copies of journal articles or research summaries, email
Confidentiality: Study participation is anonymous and confidential. We do not ask or store your identity.
Participation and Withdrawal: Your participation in this study is completely voluntary, and you may quit at any time without penalty.
Contact: Click here to contact us with questions about this research.
Review: This study has been approved by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology institutional review board.
Agreement: By clicking "Start Game," I indicate that this research have been sufficiently explained and I agree to participate in this study.
The Vocab Quiz
Are you interested in how your experience affects your language? So are we!
Please answer the following questions about yourself.
We will use the answers to show you your score compared to others like you and also for our research into language learning.
All answers are anonymous and confidential.
The Vocab Quiz
The Vocab Quiz
The Vocab Quiz
The Vocab Quiz
These questions are about your FULL siblings: Brothers and sisters who have the SAME mother and father as you.
The Vocab Quiz
These questions are about your HALF siblings and STEP siblings: Brothers and sisters who share AT MOST one parent with you.
The Vocab Quiz
The Vocab Quiz
Click on the word that comes closest in meaning to the word in all CAPS:
The Vocab Quiz
Calculating score... Please answer these final questions: