Which of the world's Englishes do you speak? Take this quiz, and our computer algorithm will try to guess.
10 minutes
Which English?
Is Throw me down the stairs my shoes a good English sentence?
The answer depends on where you live. Many people in Newfoundland find that sentence perfectly grammatical.
By taking this quiz, you will be helping train a machine algorithm that is mapping out the differences in English grammar around the world, both in traditionally English-speaking countries and also in countries like Mexico, China, and India.
At the end, you can see our algorithm's best guess as to which English you speak as well as whether your first (native) language is English or something else.
Which English?
In this quiz, you will decide which sentences are grammatical (correct) and which are not.
Do not worry about whether the sentence is formal or 'proper' or is what you learned in school. Scientists have discovered that many of the 'rules' taught in school are wrong anyway.
Focus on your gut instincts. Does the sentence sound correct, or does it sound like a mistake -- for instance, a mistake made by a young child or a recent immigrant?
Which English?
This experiment is being conducted by researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Please read this consent statement carefully before deciding whether to participate.
About the research: This experiment examines people's knowledge of English grammar. We are interested in how this is affected by demographic variables such as where you live, your age, and the age at which you began learning English.
Risks and Benefits: This research has no known risks. We will explain the purpose of the experiment at the end of the experiment, along with any potential implications of the research. To receive copies of journal articles or research summaries, email gameswithwords@gmail.com.
Confidentiality: Study participation is anonymous and confidential. We do not ask or store your identity.
Participation and Withdrawal: Your participation in this study is completely voluntary, and you may quit at any time without penalty.
Contact: Click here to contact us with questions about this research.
Review: This study has been approved by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology institutional review board.
Agreement: By clicking "Start Quiz," I indicate that this research has been sufficiently explained and I agree to participate in this study.
Which English?
Please answer a few questions about yourself to help us estimate your dialect of English and inform our research
All answers are anonymous and confidential.
Which English?
Click on the picture that best matches the sentence:
Which of the following sentences sounds most natural?
Fill in the blank. Check all correct answers.
Which of these sentences is grammatical? Check all that apply!
Which English?
Calculating score... Meanwhile, please answer these questions:
After you see our guess, please remember to answer a few questions about your dialect so that we can train the algorithm.
Our top three guesses for your English dialect:
1 2 3
Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:
1 2 3
How did we do? Please help us train our algorithm by answering a few questions: